Wilson Fonseca Bertolla
Wilson Bertolla é formado Administrador de Empresas, tendo cursado também Técnico Mecânico.
Antes de chegar à Engemasa em 1999, atuou em uma das mais importantes companhias brasileiras de aços e ligas especiais, a Aços Villares.
Na Engemasa, onde trabalhou até 2014, atuou na Coordenação e Planejamento dos processos de fabricação e montagens de Colunas Cataliticas e Serpentinas para fornos de pirólise, sendo também o responsável pelas análises técnicas de projetos, levantamento de custos, cronogramas de produção, elaboração da listagem para compras de insumos produtivos, pela elaboração e formatação de planos de inspeção e Data-Books, dentre outros.
Business Administration - 1984
Mechanical Technician - 1980
Professional experience:
Company: Aços Villares S / A São Caetano do Sul - SP
1981 to 1990: Acting as mechanical technical trainee and as an employee in the lamination, manufacturing of cast and forged cylinders and centrifuged tubes / assembly of columns and coils in the role of programmer and production controller. -
Company: Villares Indústrias de S / A - (VIBASA) - Pindamonhangaba - SP
1990 to 1999: Performance in the installation of the centrifuged tubes unit and assembly of columns and coils in the function of programming supervision and production control of this unit, acting in the factory programming and suppliers, customer service, external inspectors and quality documentation -
Company: Engemasa Engenharia e Materiais Ltda - São Carlos - SP
1999 to 2014: Performance in the development of the centrifuged tubes and column and serpentine assembly based on the experience acquired at Villares as supervisor of the petrochemical industry.
- Responsible for the technical and cost analysis of the projects, detailing all the items based on the drawings of the clients or designers with the materials, weights, and estimated values for the manufacture.
- Responsible for scheduling orders in the factory, accompanying all manufactured items such as: Centrifuged tubes, static castings, forged items, items purchased from external suppliers.
- Responsible for the acquisition of components and production inputs in the purchasing sector such as forged bars for the manufacture of nozzles and follow up to completion, machining tools, tig rods and welding electrodes, packaging materials and various services from external suppliers.
- Responsible for formulating the inspection plans (I T P) of the orders in the portfolio and sending to the clients all technical documentation contained therein such as manufacturing drawings, data sheets, welding documentation containing procedures, traces and tests by material.
- Responsible for the call and reception of clients and external inspectors in the visits to the factory giving support regarding the deadlines of delivery with regard to the manufacturing schedules and the stages of hold points foreseen in the inspection plans.