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A Equipe
Paulo R. Altomani

Paulo Altomani é Engenheiro Mecânico graduado na USP - S.Carlos com pós-graduação em Metalurgia (USP) e pesquisador da Fapesp (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de S.Paulo).

O engenheiro, ex-professor da Faculdade de Engenharia de Materiais da UFSCar (Universidade Federal de S. Carlos) foi sócio-fundador da Engemasa - Engenharia de Materiais (S.Carlos) e vice presidente da ABIFA/ABIMAQ/SINDMAQ (SP).

Foi Prefeito do Município de São Carlos entre os anos de 2013 e 2016.

Premiado por Prêmio Metal Leve 1973 1o. aluno da Eng Mecânica USP, Prêmio Peão da Tecnologia 1993 da Fundação ParqueTech São Carlos, Prêmio ABIMAQ/SINDMAQ e Premiado por três vezes como Gestor da Engemasa, como a melhor Fundição de Aços Inoxidáveis do Brasil.

Professional Training and Titles:
1.Post-Graduation in Metallurgy: School of Engineering of São Carlos / USP - SP
2.Graduation in Mechanical Engineering School of Engineering of São Carlos / USP - SP
3.Graduation in Engineering of Safety and Occupational Medicine - Ministry of Labor

Company or Associations with/ which maintain or have maintained contact:
1.Professor of Materials Engineering at the Federal University of São Carlos - SP
2.Researcher of the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP)
3.Professor of Fluid Mechanics of the Educational Foundation of Bauru - SP
4.Professor of the Course and CAASO College of São Carlos - SP
5.Founding Partner of ENGEMASA - Engenharia e Materiais Ltda de São Carlos - SP
6.Founding Partner of MetalurgicaAltozane Ind. Com. Ltda de São Carlos - SP
7.Metal Leve S.A. Award from São Paulo
8.Associate of the American Society for Metals / USA
9.Associate of the American Foundry Men's Society / USA
10.Associate of the Brazilian Association of Metals / ABM / São Paulo
11.Technical Director of the Brazilian Casting Association / São Paulo
12.Deputy Director of the São Carlos Regional Center of Industries of the State of São Paulo(CIESP) São Carlos
13. Vice President of ABIMAQ / SINDMAQ of São Paulo-SP
14. Merciful brother of the Holy House of Mercy of St. Charles

Professional experience:
1986 to 2017- CEO of the Holding Engemasa Empreendimentos e Participações Ltda
1976 to 2017 - CEO of Engemasa Engenharia e Materiais Ltda
2013 to 2016 - Municipal Mayor (Mayor of São Carlos/SP) - PSDB
2008- Vice - President of SIFESP (Union of Foundry Industries of São Paulo State)
2008- Vice President of ABIMAQ - Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industries
1997 - ABIMAQ Award 97 - Category Cast Components - Best Stainless Steel Casting
1996 - ABIMAQ Award 96 - Category Components - Best Stainless Steel Casting
1996- Implantation of the complete line of manufacturing of petrochemical columns
1995- Founding partner of Latina Eletrodomésticos Ltda
1994 -ABIMAQ Award 94 - Category Cast Components - Best Inox Casting
1993- Businessman award of the year 1993 FIESP / CIESP - São Carlos
1993- Winner of the PEÃO DA TECNOLOGIA Award - O`Concour 1993 - PARQTEC Foundation - São Carlos
1991/1992 - Advisor of the Municipal Health Fund - São Carlos
1991- Vice President of the Union of Foundry Industries
1990 - Member of the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de Misericordia de São Carlos
1989- Founder of Engemasa Construções Ltda, construction of residential buildings
1988 / 1989- Elaboration of Project and nationalization of equipment for the manufacture of centrifuged tubes for work at high temperatures for the petrochemical industry.
1987 / 1988- Elaboration of project and nationalization of equipment for the production of anoxidable steel fiber to reinforce refractory concrete for Petrobras.
1987 - Elaboration of the Project and nationalization of the process of continuous casting of rods up to ½ "gauge, produced in Cobalt alloys.
1987- Participation in the II Meeting of Technology and Utilization of Stainless Steel and Superalloys with the work "Fusion of Special Steels and Superleagues", in partnership with Daltro Garcia Pinatti. COPPE / UFRJRio de Janeiro - RJ.
1987- Elaboration of design and nationalization of melting furnace and vacuum casting, capacity two tons, for manufacturing superalloys and titanium alloys. First equipment built in Brazil with a nationalization index of 95%.
1986- Director of the Furniture Industry Carrera Ltda, manufacturer of furniture in general.
1985/1986- Design and implementation of forging for the manufacture of forged bars in super-duplex stainless steels and nickel-based superalloys.
1985- Director of Keramus Special Ceramics Ltda - High-tech company producing engineering parts in Al2O3 and Zr203 for the electronics, electrical and military industries.
1985 - Technical Consultant of the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP) in the area of vacuum-metallurgy.
1982- 2nd Scientific Conference of the Federal University of São Carlos, presenting the work "Theory and Practice of Vacuum Fusion
1981- Elaboration of Engemasa expansion project with Consider and CDI.
1980- Co-participation in the project of request of exemption of taxes of import of the furnace of electronic beam ES-2/18/300 CF, imported by the National Institute of Technology, Industrial Technology Foundation / Lorena – SP
1979- Elaboration of the Project "Vacuum metallurgy of stainless and superalloys with substitution of alloying elements" Project analyzed by the Institute of Industrial Development (IFI) of the Technological Center of (FIPEC) of Banco do Brasil S / A. The Project obtained the cooperation of the Industrial Technology Foundation (FTI) of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce / MIC, providing the construction of the first vacuum oven in the country, with 97% nationalization index.
1976/1977- Elaboration of the implementation project of EngemasaEngiería e Materiais Ltda aiming at obtaining financial resources and support for exemption from import taxes and obtaining approval from the following bodies: National Bank and Economic and Social Development (BNDES); Development Bank of the State of São Paulo (BADESP); Studies and Projects Financier (FINEP); Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq); Industrial Development Council (CDI); Non-Ferrous and Steel Council (CONSIDER); and the Commission for Electronic Processing Activities (CAPRE).
1976- Partner-Founder of Engemasa Engenharia e Materiais Ltda
1974/1976 - Coordinator Project Integration Company / School / Government of the Materials Engineering Department of the Federal University of São Carlos - SP
1970 / 1971- Professional football player at São Carlos Clube
1968 / 1969- Professional football player in Guarani Futebol Clube de Campinas
1965- Employee of the Toy and Handicraft Industry of Amparo - SP
1959 / 1960- Minor Apprentice Shoemaker IV Centenário de Amparo - SP