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A Equipe
Luiz Antônio M. Ferreira

Luiz Antônio é Engenheiro de Materiais formado pela UFSCar (Universidade Federal de S.Carlos) com Pós Graduação e Especialização na Gestão de Produção pela mesma Universidade, com inúmeros cursos nas áreas de Gestão e Qualidade.

Na Engemasa, onde atuou entre 1982 e 2015 como Gerente Industrial, Gerente de Tecnologia e Gerente da Qualidade, foi responsável pelo gerenciamento de toda a planta industrial, gerenciando diretamente a produção, fabricação, montagem de equipamentos, engenharia de produtos e dos custos industriais, atendendo os mercados Nacional e Internacional.

Gerenciou também o departamento de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) da empresa, sendo o responsável pelo desenvolvimento de 600 materiais e ligas especiais para trabalhos que requeiram resistência a corrosão, abrasão e aplicações em altas temperaturas.

Description of the functions performed:
Development of metallurgical manufacturing and refining processes for stainless steels, micro-alloyed refractory steels and special alloys based on Nickel and Cobalt for corrosion resistant equipment applications and high working temperatures.
Management of the Research and Development Department (R & D), being the direct responsible for the data collection team of the essays of hot tensile tests and creep tests at constant load, to elaborate the Creep Curves of refractory steels and micro alloyed special alloys, applicable in Petrochemical plants , Refineries of crude oil , and Steel making plants.
Industrial Management of the productive processes of assembly of equipment destined to the areas of petroleum refining and its petrochemical derivatives, as well as for the processing of special gases.
Management of the production processes of stainless steels and special alloys specifically in the areas of casting parts up to 2Tons, centrifugation of tubes and components up to 1.5 tons, and the complete machining of the same, being responsible for the management of a team of 400 employees.
Strategic Management of the Company, aimed at increasing profit margins and competitiveness in the National and International markets, focusing on the systematic reduction of industrial costs, productivity gains, reduction of losses and rejects, with consequent positive effects on final product prices finished products.

Academic Graduation:
University Graduation: Graduated in Materials Engineering, with specialization in Metallurgy, at the UFSCAR - Federal University of São Carlos - SP, in the year 1982.
Post-Graduation: Specialization in Production Management by the UFSCAR -Federal University of São Carlos - SP, in the year 1999.
Specialization Courses:
Alternative Gas Compressors Course, year 2014, in the USA.
Several courses in the areas of Production Management and Quality
Specific courses in the areas of Environmental Management and Industrial Safety.
English: Technical and Conversation , medium level
Spanish: Conversation, advanced level

Particular Attributes:
Member of the Rotary Club of Pinhal, São Carlos-SP, Brazil for 10 years.
During the last 25 years I was directly responsible for the Management of the Research and Development Department (R & D) of Metallic Materials and Special Alloys resistant to High Temperatures, directed mainly to the Chemical, Petrochemical, Petroleum and Nuclear Refineries Industries.
For 5 years I was the Manager of the QMS, based on international standards ISO 9001, AD-Merkblatt WO and CE Directives.
I have ample knowledge of Standards and Technical Specifications of general materials, engineering and manufacturing, special processes (welding and heat treatments), Inspections, testing and testing of products and equipment for industries in general, and specifically in the areas of petroleum, natural gas and petrochemical.
My concepts emphasize the professional growth of employees, the narrowing of technical-commercial relations and partnerships with clients and suppliers, the pursuit of ethics in human relations and dealing with environmental issues, and fundamentally the pursuit of goals, targets and financial results by the Company's partners.

Professional history:
LAMF ENGENHARIA DE MATERIAIS EIRELI(from Oct /2019 onwards) Partner-Director of the Company, arising from the change of the Corporate name of the previous Company, established in May / 2016, acting in the provision of Engineering Services, Specialized in Materials Engineering, having performed many works for Metal-Mechanical Companies.

LAMF ENGENHARIA & CONSULTORIA EMPRESARIAL EIRELI(from May,2016 until Sept/2019). Partner-Director of the Company, with advisory activities in Business Management and Specialized Materials Engineering Services, established on May 02, 2016, having provided various consulting services to Metal-Mechanical companies.

National metallurgical Company, in the metal-mechanical sector, specializing in the foundry, centrifugation and forging of stainless steels and special alloys, and in the assembly of equipments for Petroleum Refineries and Petrochemical Plants, with an average annual turnover of R $ 100 million, and approximately 400 employees.
Functions performed : INDUSTRIAL MANAGER (From Jun,1990 until Dec, 2015) and QUALITY CONTROL MANAGER (From 1985 until 1990 years )

Professional experience:

  • 35 years of professional experience in the field of foundry, centrifugation and forging of stainless steels, refractory steels and special nickel and cobalt base alloys , manufacture and assembly of coils for Pyrolysis furnaces, catalytic columns and manifolds for Refineries and Steel Making plants , and assembly of gas compression units , serving the national and international markets.
  • Responsible for the management of the entire industrial plant, covering the sectors of foundry, centrifugation, forging, machining and assembly of petrochemical furnaces, and Gas Compression Units, coordinating all activities
  • of production planning, manufacturing, product engineering , supplies, stock control and industrial costs.
  • I managed the Metallurgical Research and Development Department( R&D) of the company, acting directly or indirectly in the research and development of special materials, steels and superalloys, with applications in the chemical, nuclear, oil refinery, petrochemical , fertilizers plants , food and paper industries
  • During my management, about 35 special materials (special alloys) were owned by the company, specifically applicable in petrochemical areas, oil refineries and natural gas exploration
  • I directly coordinated a team of technicians, engineers and physicist metallurgists in the elaboration of the processes of manufacturing special stainless steels and non-ferrous superalloys (mainly nickel and cobalt alloys), steelworks, vacuum degassing, metallurgical refining, micro-additions of chemical elements and deoxidation processes in ladlles , accompanying the effectiveness through physical-chemical tests, essays and laboratory tests.
  • I managed teams of engineers and technicians in the critical analysis activities of complex project contracts, such as petrochemical pyrolysis furnaces, products for offshore platforms and related.
  • I worked with focus on the development of manufacturing methods and processes and the implementation of industrial layout improvements, mainly aimed at optimizing the flow of productive activities, having achieved increases of up to 25% in productivity indexes, reduction of re-work rates and scrapings of parts under 2.5% in foundry and centrifugation, and the effective reduction of 18% of industrial costs with the implementation of 5S program, continuous improvement and environmental sustainability.
  • I coordinated the implementation and certification processes of QCS according to requirements of ISO 9001/2008, International Certification AD2000-Merkblatt WO and European Community Directives (P.E.D).

International Activities:

  • I participated as a engineer representative and exhibitor of major international fairs in the fields of Foundry and Industrial Automation, especially in Hannover and Dusseldorf , Germany.
  • I participated in two international congresses in the field of Equipment, Petrochemical Processes and Refineries, performed in Atlanta and New Orleans, USA.
  • Training course on Alternative Compressors and Gas Compression Units at ARIEL CORPORATION, located in Mount Vernon, USA .
  • I participated directly in technical visits at the headquarters of the main equipment designers for the petrochemical and refinery areas, namely: TECHNIP in Claremont (USA) ; LINDE in Pullach (Germany) , ABB in Bloomfield (USA) and KTI in Houston (USA) , in search of new technologies and implementation of industrial process improvements.